Monday, September 25, 2006

CrImInAl StErEoTyPiNg Of BlAcK aMeRiCaNs

"The Black Image in the White Mind by Robert M. Entman and Andrew Rojecki" illustrates ways in which negative media images of African-Americans are disproportionate and arguably harmful to race relations:

  • A mug shot of a black defendant is four times more likely to appear in a local television news report than of a white defendant.
  • The black accused is two times more likely to be shown physically restrained in a local television news report than when the accused is white.
  • The name of the accused is two times more likely to be shown on screen in a local TV news report if the defendant is black, rather than white.
  1. Black female movie characters shown using vulgar profanity: 89%
  2. White female movie characters shown using vulgar profanity: 17%
  3. Black female movie characters shown being physically violent: 56%
  4. White female movie characters shown being physically violent: 11%
  5. Black female movie characters shown being restrained: 55%
  6. White female movie characters shown being restrained: 6%


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