Monday, September 18, 2006

VaLuEs & IdEoLoGy

The major ideology presented in Prison Break is do not always trust you’re senior. In Prison Break Lincoln is accused of murder of the Vice-Presidents brother. However, as the series unwinds the audience becomes aware of a corrupt US govt.

In this way, the audience is being told to always fight for what you believe in, never give in till you find out the truth and to be aware of corruption amongst your govt.

Additionally, a corrupt US govt. plays on stereotypes of today’s society and helps to raise issues of politics to society and make them aware of their own potential govt. legitimacy and allows for checks and balances.

Furthermore, Prison Break attempts to portray reality to life behind bars. In this way it educates the audience to life on prison and the occurrences that take place for racial hated, to drugs to corrupt prison guards.


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